Tue 21 Jan
MeltDown by the Fire & Enjoy Southern HoSpitality with a PheNoMenal PamperiNista @ Pretty RelaXed! - 100
(Columbus, ***You Deserve it*** Specials!)
My Hot Oils, Smooth Touch, & Phenomenal Pampering will Have You Pretty Relaxed! - 100
(Columbus, Get Stiletto Rub&Coconut; Slide is Free!)
My SeXy BoDyWoRk is Umm Um GOOod*Pretty ReLaxed * Let Me SOOthe and CarreSs U. - 100
(Columbus, Rub $80hr, Slide $130 free ScruB&Shower;)
Nurse Feel Sooooo Good on Call this Week to CheckUp on Alll my Patients! - 36
(Columbus, Melting Stress & Tension Dr.s Orders!)
Let's Get Warm, Cozy & Pretty Relaxed * Hot Oils, Smooth Touch, Phenomenal Pampering. - 100
(Columbus, Daily Specials!)
MaKing U Feel & LOOk liKe a NeW MaN! BoDywork by AyAnA**Let Me SoooThe and Carress U;) - 35
(Columbus, The BallS in Ur CoUrt, don't PaSS;))
InDulge in My PuMpkin Pie SpeCials@ Pretty RelaXed* The Perfect HoliDay GetaWay B4 or After DeSsert! - 100
(Columbus, Happy ThanksGiving Pampering just 4 U!)
🎅h St NiCky💋My Hot 🔴ily SticKy 3D maKes U Giddy 〽️2 Dance ➰ ShiMMy〰doWn Chimneys❄️climb the NorthPo💈e✨ - 40
(Columbus, J⚪️y 2 ManKind✨ Pretty💮Relaxed Body🔵Shop)
Enjoy Southern HoSpitality w/a PheNoMenal PaMperiNiSta @ Pretty RelaXed*The PaSsion for Pampering U! - 100
(Columbus, Stiletto Sunday Specials U Deserve!)
CoZy Up by the Fire as My Hot Oils & SmOOth Touch JiNgle Your Bells@ Pretty RelaXed! - 100
(Columbus, The Evening Rush Stilleto Specials)
Cozy up by the Fire as I Warm Ur Cold, Stiff Muscles with a Hot Oil MeltDown @ Pretty RelaXed;) - 100
(Columbus, Indulge in My Pumpkin Pie Specials!)
{BLue EyEd BUSTY Bombshell} (Come Get the Sensual Touch Of Your Dreams) ♧♤♧ - 28
(Columbus, East Dublin-Granville Rd & Cleveland Ave)
Beatiful 36 DDD, I want to warm you up!!! Incall available 6pm-10pm - 35
(Close to 270&70 east, in a private home, Columbus)
Enjoy Southern HoSpitality w/a PheNoMenal PaMperiNiSta w/a PaSsion for PamPering@ Pretty RelaXed! - 100
(Columbus, Stiletto Sunday Specials U Deserve!)
Beautiful Busty Babe with lots of energy here to help relax Specials Today - 22
(Columbus, Brice road off 70east)
BoDyWork by AyAnA* Relaxation and Stress Relief is just a Touch Away;) - 35
(Columbus, HoP on Over 2 My PlaCe;))
Double ReLaXation * Let Us Melt Ur StreSs AwAy* AyAnA & DaRling JoCeLyn;) - 36
(Columbus, DynaMic DoU)
Cozy Up by the Fire & let My Hot Oils & Smooth Touch Make U Feel Victorious..... Pretty RelaXed! - 100
(Columbus, Lets Go BuCks! SPECIALS)
AyAnA DarLing* LeaVing SooN! Come get Your FathersDay RuB & SliDe! - 36
(Columbus, Relax, Exhale, Unwind)
Come Warmup, Get Cozy & Pretty Relaxed * Hot Oils, Smooth Touch, Phenomenal Pampering* Go Bucks! - 100
(Columbus, Stiletto Rubs, Coconut Slides. Specials!)
Authentic Rubs,Scrubs, & CocoNutslides *Pretty RelaXed* PheNoMeNal PamPeriNista for You! - 100
(Columbus, ReLax, ExHale. UnWind * SPECIALS*)
AyAnA DaRLing** ReLaXatioin is just a TouCh AwAy;)) - 35
(Columbus, 85hr Today! Let Me Sooothe & Carress U;))
Bodyrubs, Bodyscrubs, Coconut Slides *Pretty Relaxed* Where its Always Fun in the Sun!
(Columbus, Daily Specials!)
AyAnA DaRLing**My BoDyWork will MaKe U VeRRy HaPPy;)) - 35
(Columbus, 90 Today! Show me where it Hurts;))
breathtaking east indian bombshell tonight ;) - upgraded packages - 22
(Columbus, safe relaxed incall +private east & out)
$65hh -$120h NEW PIX Im Mouth Wartering COME Taste nd c How Satisfying I Can Really B {NO-DRAMA} - 25
(Columbus, private home east Columbus Ohio)
AyAnA DaRLing** ReLaXation is just a TouCh AwAy;)) - 35
(Columbus, 100hr Today! Let Me Soothe & Carress U;))
Are You Feeling Lucky❓Want a sure bet❔ Come Roll the Dice‼️ 👄💨👋✨🎲✨🎲4 a Hot 🔥Oily Paradise💦✨ - 40
(Columbus, 7/11 💨🎲🎲 East 15 mins from Casino!)
All WoRk, No PlAy? Let this DyNaMic DuO maKe Ur DaY:) StreSs RelieF in a SinGle BouNd! - 35
(Columbus, Melting Alllll Your StreSS Away:))
AyAnA *** Helping U Start U'r Year VeeeRry HaaaPpY;)) - 35
(Columbus, 85hr today! Haaapy New Year;))
All Work, No Play? Come Wish Me a Happy Birthday ! And turn Me into a Birthday Cake Cake Cake ;) - 35
(Columbus, Its My Birthday, Its My Birthday;))
Allow the Southern Hospitality, Excellence & Quality of Maid Stiletto Cater 2 YOU from He@d to Toe! - 100
(Columbus, I want to Rub U Down & Soap U Up Baby!)
Sun 12 Jan
Tue 07 Jan
RelaXation and Stress Relief with A Touch of HeaVen *Blue MonDays* - 35
(Columbus, Let Me Soooothe & Carresss U;))
Mon 06 Jan
👄💨Weather outside may b Frightful💦 PuuRetty🏮Relaxed w 2 ☕️ Hot Toddy's Delightful🔥Warm Wintery BliSs💧 - 40
(Columbus, East 🔶Good 2 the last drop Body💧Shop💦)
will leave you wondering why you haven't been pampered like this before *very exotic bombshell* hablo espanol - 25
(Columbus, east private location close to bexley)
Make Your Hump Day Warm ,Cozy & Pretty Relaxed * Phenomenal Pamperinista here 4 You! - 100
(Columbus, Afternoon Specials!)
💋Exotic Vixen💋 ...100% Real Masseuse Goddess , One Dose and you'll be Hooked 💉💉$100 specials - 23
(Columbus, East Private Location)
Enjoy Southern HoSpitality w/a PheNoMenal PaMperiNiSta @ Pretty RelaXed*The PaSsion for Pampering U! - 100
(Columbus, Stiletto Sunday Specials U Deserve!)
CoZy Up by the Fire as My Hot Oils & SmOOth Touch JiNgle Your Bells@ Pretty RelaXed! - 100
(Columbus, The Evening Rush Stilleto Specials)
All WoRk, No PlAy? Let this DyNaMic Duo maKe Ur Day:) - 35
(Columbus, Melting Alllll Your StreSS Away:))
My SeXy BoDyWoRk is Umm Um GOOod*Pretty ReLaxed * Let Me SOOthe and CarreSs U. - 100
(Columbus, Rub $80hr, Slide $130 free ScruB&Shower;)
Beatiful 36 DDD, I want to warm you up!!! Incall available 6pm-10pm - 35
(Close to 270&70 east, in a private home, Columbus)
Scrubs, Rubs, & Slides Oh My! Just a Few Reasons Why Pretty Relaxed The Phenomenal Pamperinista 4 U! - 100
(Columbus, Specials! Hut Hut Go Bucks!)
Holiday Stress✨Are You ready 2 B Pretty💮Relaxed⁉️Pull up 2 My Body🔵Shop 4 a Sudsy💦Hot🔥🔴ily TuneUp💨 - 40
(Columbus, J⚪️y Peace & RelaXation 4 ManKind✨East)
🎅h Santa Baby💋My Hot 🔴il RubN3D🔥kEEps U Jolly🔺As St Nicky💋Shimmies down the Chimney❄️2 the NorthPo💈e✨ - 40
(Columbus, 4 all ManKind✨ Pretty💮Relaxed Body🔵Shop)
Sun 05 Jan
AyAnA DaRLing** ReLaXation is just a TouCh AwAy;)) - 35
(Columbus, 100hr Today! Let Me Soothe & Carress U;))
Are You Feeling Lucky❓Want a sure bet❔ Come Roll the Dice‼️ 👄💨👋✨🎲✨🎲4 a Hot 🔥Oily Paradise💦✨ - 40
(Columbus, 7/11 💨🎲🎲 East 15 mins from Casino!)
The Body🎨Shop🎭 CoZy Studio 🌺Fresh Linen 🔥Heated 🏄Table Hot💦Oil💃Phenomenal PamperiNista For You! - 40
(Columbus, Pretty🌸Relaxed Best D@m Hands N the Land)
Sat 04 Jan
*ManLaXation is just a ToUch Away:) SeXXy SpeCials that will maKe Ur Day! - 35
(Columbus, 85hr/50h add shower 35!)
All WoRk, No PlAy? Let this DyNaMic DuO maKe Ur DaY:) StreSs RelieF in a SinGle BouNd! - 35
(Columbus, Melting Alllll Your StreSS Away:))
AyAnA DaRLing** ReLaXatioin is just a TouCh AwAy;)) - 35
(Columbus, 85hr Today! Let Me Sooothe & Carress U;))
Fri 03 Jan
AyAnA DarLing* Red, White, & BOOM! Going Out With a B@nG! Leaving Soon* - 36
(Columbus, Relax, Exhale, Unwind)
Cozy Up by the Fire & let My Hot Oils & Smooth Touch Make U Feel Victorious..... Pretty RelaXed! - 100
(Columbus, Lets Go BuCks! SPECIALS)
SenSual HOt Oil MaSSage DriZZled in ChoCOlate with a SeXXy SliDe & EroTic ShoWer;) - 35
(Columbus, Sugar Rush 120 today!)
Relaxation and Stress Relief to get You over the Hump;) - 35
(Columbus, Let Me Sooothe and Caress You 90;))
SluShy Arctic MeltDown🏮Warm 💧ils ✨Radiating Body Heat🔥Slippery R&R;〽️Dripping 🍵ver the Edge💦with Relief 2 the last Dr💧p - 40
(Columbus, Pretty🔵Relaxed Body💈Shop)
💦Hot Oil 👐 MasSageS Cozy uP by the🔥 Fire as I Glide Across Ur Body 4 a LoVely Day💫 The Body🚘Shop💨 - 40
(Columbus, Rubs/Massage👘60hr/👠100hr)
Take Time Out to Look & Feel Like a New Man,2 B Pampered from He@d 2 Toe until Ur Pretty Relaxed! - 100
All Work, No Play? Come Wish Me a Happy Birthday ! And turn Me into a Birthday Cake Cake Cake ;) - 35
(Columbus, Its My Birthday, Its My Birthday;))
I wanna Rub U from He@d 2 Toe, Scrub U Down & Soap U Up @Pretty Relaxed* Pampering Beauty! - 100
(Columbus, LOOk & Feel like a New Man! TREAT Urself)
Thu 02 Jan
The Body🎨Shop🎭 CoZy Studio 🌺Fresh Linen 🔥Heated 🏄Table Hot💦Oil 💃SeXXy PaMperiNista = Pretty🌸RelaXed - 40
(Columbus, Pretty🌸Relaxed East 10mins of Downtown)
MaRch MaNlaXation MaDneSs! BoDyWork by AyAnA**Let Me SoooThe and Carress U;) - 35
(Columbus, The BallS in Ur CoUrt, don't PaSS;))