Mon 27 Jan
hi their busty blonde here 55 specials TODAY ONLY ,no texts please - 23
(Columbus, 161-71 clean hotel ,incall only)
hi their busty blonde here 85 specials No texts please - 25
(Columbus, 161-71 clean hotel ,incall only)
***Have u Been or Nice??? Santa's helpers r here Tonight...*** - 23
(Columbus, COLUMBUS..North Side 161 & 71)
Ginger is NEW, and waiting for YOUR CALL. OUTCALL only right now 6149063652😉 - 28
(71 north at the 161 exit, Columbus)
💕💕GOOD GIRL 💕💕______ 💕💕GONE _____ BADD💕💕 _____ 💕💕PeRfecT(HOtt BLonDE ) 💕💕____ 💕💕PLAymATE💕💕 - 21
(Columbus, 71 & 161 Dublin Granville InCaLL OuTCaLL)
Fresh NEW & absolutely beautiful!!!! Choice of one or the ultimate duosister sister - 25
(Columbus, North 161 & 71)
Get A Jump On The Party Call Amazing TESS 614-779-4051 - 27
(Columbus, safe private cozy location north 161/71)
(( GORGEOUS )) *°♥•° 1 __ IN __ A__ M_i_LL_i_O_N °♥•* (( BLONDE)) °♥•* Reviewed! - 23
(Columbus, 161 & 71 safe & discreet INCALLS!!)
Gorgeous Busty EASTERN INDIAN Female....Get your full body massage+ NOW - 23
(Columbus, 161 E.Dublin Granville rd. off I-71)
Gabby & M$.Elexuz (DoubleTrouble) 2 sexy ladies for the price of 1 #614 390 1347 - 21
(Columbus, 161 71 east Dublin Grandville north side)
*¨¨*✦(( G - O - O - D ♀GIRL) *WiTH* (N - A - U - G - H - T - Y~ HABITS ):*¨¨* - 24
(Columbus, InCaLL 161 & 71)
Get A Jump On The Party Call Amazing TESS 6147792669 - 27
(Columbus, safe private cozy location north 161/71)
Get A Jump On The Party Call Amazing TESS 614-7433300 time of ur life - 27
(Columbus, safe private cozy location north 161/71)
Tue 21 Jan
Curvy.. Busty ..Sexy ..Hot and ready to play.. & curvy in all the right places.. - 27
(Columbus, 161 & 71)
COME Have The NIght OF Your LIFE!!!!! Let Me Show YOU!!!! Big tits and big !!! - 23
(Columbus, 161/71)
Come nd started ure weekend right with me mizz yellow bone $45 special allday/night - 24
(Columbus, 71 north nd 161)
Come nd get right with mizz redbone $45 special allday/night only incalls - 24
(Columbus, 71 north nd 161)
Come nd started ure weekend right with mizz redbone $40 special allday/night only incalls - 24
(Columbus, 71 north nd 161)
Come nd started ure week right with mizz yellow bone $45 special allday/night - 24
(Columbus, 71 north nd 161)
Come nd started ure week right with mizz redbone $45 special allday/night only incalls - 24
(Columbus, 71 north nd 161)
CLiCk HeRe... NEW 42" BOOTY ❤ SPiNe TiNGLiNG SKiLLS ❤ JUST ViSiTInG - 22
(Columbus, 161 & 71 INCALL)
Columbus, it's ur LUCKY day! ♡ Sweet and Petite ♡ Lita in Lacy Lingerie is visiting ♡ reviewed~♡ - 23
(Columbus, NORTH 71/161)
Call saturday everyday deal weekend OUTCALL-INCALL fun 6143157384 - 27
(Columbus, safe private cozy location north 161/71)
# ❶ CHOICE SEXY Ѽ BOttOM Y C@ND¥ TH!cK & PRETTY D ! M e P ! E c E_Yes BaBY! 100% ME - 23
(Columbus, 161 & 71)
Brazilian Bombshell Hot Sexy Ready & Willing Busty Evelyn !!!! @1614-999-5466 - 28
(Columbus, 161 & 71)
Beauty and skills provide morning day and night nice delight 614-406-2948 - 27
(Columbus, safe private cozy location north 161/71)
Be Good To Yourself Indulge & Treat Yourself to a sensual massage by a beauty - 25
(Columbus, 161 & I-71)
beautiful brunette, Looking to have fun, and NEW to the area .... Call me!!!! - 25
(Columbus, 161 and 71)
B u s t y B l o n d e ♡A B S O L U T E ❤ K N O C K O U T ♡ || S p e c i a l s - 24
(Columbus, 161&71 OUTCALLS-INCALLS $120)
.::. ATTENTION .::. GENTLEMEN .::. Sweetie.::. Petite Sweet Treat.::. - 19
(Columbus, North Side- 161/I-71)
Available 24/7 Start Your Week Off w/ a Monday Specical with Tiana - 28
(Columbus, 161 & 71 Columbus)
.-:¦:-. Baby --- YOU --- ain't --- Seen --- NOTHIN --- YET --- ♥ 100 Spec!-:¦: - 18
(Columbus, 161/71)
ATTENTION ���� Yummy HoT NEW Girl ALert➥ SPECIALS 24/7 ➥DONT MIss Out !!! - 22
(Columbus, 161/71 fwy incalls)
***$at-is-fying * $ession$*** $exy & $weet Woman*** Ask About My Awesome Specials*** 614~ - 24
(Columbus, 161 & 71)
Awesum Prices Rachael's Last Day In Columbus! ~Ravishing Rachael Myles ~ 937~301~5269 - 45
(Columbus, N. Columbus 161/71 THIS BABE'S 4 U)
.::. ATTENTION .::. GENTLEMEN .::. Pretty.::. The Best Bomb Shell In Columbus.::. - 19
(Columbus, North Side- 161/I-71--INCALL ONLY!)
beautiful blonde blue eyes platinum blonde hair 120 hour no text - 26
(Columbus, incall only north columbus)
.::. ATTENTION .::. GENTLEMEN .::. Pretty's Very Pleasing.::. Adorable && Sexii .::. - 19
(Columbus, North Side- 161/I-71)
~*~ Arianna ~*~ YOUR NEW ADDICTION ~*~ Hablas en espanol ~*~ Arianna ~*~ - 22
(Columbus, North Side- 161/I-71--INCALL ONLY!)
~*~ Arianna ~*~ YOUR NEW ADDICTION ~*~ Arianna ~*~ - 22
(Columbus, North Side- 161/I-71--INCALL ONLY!)
_____ B _______ E _______ A ________ U _____ T ______ I _______ F ______ U _______ L _____ - 22
(Columbus, 161 and 71)
ೋ B (.) (.)B LOVERS ೋ Monday INCALLS $$$1OO ALL DAY!! ♡♥♡♥ - 23
(Columbus, 161 & 71 SAFE & CLEAN INCALLS ALL NIGHT)
***$at-is-fying * $ession$ *&* $weet * $ummer * $hort-$tay * $pecial$ (614) 749-0362 *** - 24
(Columbus, 161 & 71)
.::. ATTENTION .::. GENTLEMAN .::. Pretty last night.::. Sweet && Sexii .::. - 19
(Columbus, North Side- 161/I-71)
.::. ATTENTION .::. GENTLEMEN .::. Pretty's back.::.Sweet && Sexii .::. - 19
(Columbus, North Side- 161/I-71)
Are you tired of girls with Fake pics Not anymore HERE I AM this is me 614 987 7500 - 27
(Columbus, safe private cozy location north 161/71)