Thu 02 Jan
:: :::::::::; BUSTY :::::::::::: SMOKIN :::::::::::::: HOT :::::::::::::: BODY ::::::::::::::: - 24
Best Vip Escorts, Elite Escort Agency Columbus Escorts 1-800-561-4804 fivestar- - 23
(Columbus, Columbus and surrounding areas)
BEST OF BOTH WORLDS... Real LMT & Finish Happy. 946-9140 2 Girl Fantasy - 28
(Columbus, Easton lmtd time ONLY)
👠👙💖👌 BEST PROVIDER AROUND- HoTTest Specials In Town! 💖👙👠👌 - 27
(Columbus, North Columbus Or out to u)
*** {{{! Been out of town a few days... I'm back! Let's play!!! **** }}}}} - 20
(columbus area)
:' ¤~¤~Adults only May Enter!! !!!! Pleasing Playmate's Pleasure. - 27
(All Services Offered. INCALL ONLY., Columbus)
Alluring♡Captivating♥ Exclusive and ready to give you an enjoyable experience!!!!!¡¡¡ - 21
(Cleveland, out calls/your area)
ADULT FILM STAR REBECCA WILD * In or Out Call Only 24/7 * Very Discreet - 39
(Columbus, Columbus, OH)
ABIGALE Here only Thurs thru Saturday, Beautiful Lady . Senior Special WESTERVILLE - 41
AKA *Skillz* Is wut they call me n either u have them...or u jst dont!!! - 39
(Columbus, Eakin & Harrisburg pk)
A 💗💕 T R U L Y 💗💕 E X O T I C 💗💕 MIXED __ D O L L 💗💕 U N F O R G E T A B L E 💗💕. - 21
(Columbus, 💦💦☔🏠 UPSCLAE LOCATION 🏠💧☔💦💦)
(¯`' .¸?¸.'´¯) A _v _A _i _L _a_B_l_E_*_ n_ O_ w (¯`' ?¸´¯) No OnE -:¦:- dOeS It-:¦: lIkE mE - 23
(north columbus)
A Simply AMAZING Experience with a PETITE SEXY BEAUTIFUL College Girl... Dont Miss Out!!! - 21
(Columbus, NorthCOLUMBUS Near OSU and your Location)
$$75 special; 100% legit hott sexy babe!!! *well reviewed* EXCITED and waiting for you! ♥ - 24
75/30 - 99/60 (330*203*9346) I Am The Total 🎁 💯 Real! White Men 30 & Up - 45
(Akron/Canton, 330*203*9346 Southwest Akron 🏡)
All New All American Sweet & Petite Blondie Available Now!! 2 girl special!.614.653.5741 - 34
(Columbus, Incall & Outcall)
$80 sl!ppery W*t SPECIALS wit JAZZMINE 216 609 8999 - 25
(Cleveland, ur place or mines /OLDBROOKLYN)
40 Quick Stay * 60don/30 min (330*328*7163) 36DD's * Upper Scale Caucasion Gent's 30 & Up ! - 45
(Akron/Canton, In Call Ginger)
22yo.... I am ....... Destiny .......... waiting for you ........... - 22
(Marion / Mansfield / Lima / Columbus)
$100!!! ⛔💢⛔💢⛔ SuP€R Fr€AK¥ + SuP€R FuN ⛔💢⛔ F!NG€R L!CKiNG GooD ⛔💢⛔ ☞Exotic B€AUTY ☞SoFT Bo0Ty #1 - 23
(Columbus, north columbus 4 star hotel)
.:.}.:. ~*2 GiRL SpeCiaL!*~ .:.}.: . *Petite & iRReSiSTaBLe* .:.}.:. ~*CoMe -&&- PLaY!*~ .:.}.:. - 21
(Columbus Incall)
✖ ✖ 1OO% R€aL ✖O✖_ ✔ AvAiLAbL€ N⭕Wツ♥ SeXiesT♥ In Town ♥ HOT ♥ B€AUTiFUL ♡ BLOND€♥ ✖ ✖ - 24
(Columbus, westside Columbus incall and outcall)
100% independant, discreet, real.NEW PICS WELL REVIEWED. Outcalls now available. - 26
(Columbus, New north location. Outcall specials)
40$ Donation Special..LAST DAY (Also 2 girl spl)..W/CHASITY MIGHTY MOUTH hurry..DNT MISS..OUT - 24
(Columbus, GROVE CITY west COLUMBUS)
(¯`' .¸★¸. '´¯) $100 BACK IN TOWN AND READY TO PLAY (¯`' .¸★¸. '´¯) - 22
(Columbus, North Columbus INCALL 161)
10AM---12PM !!$$80•:*• A TRUE •:*• P L E A S E R •:*• 10AM---12PM!! nEVER get this CHANCE AGAIN - 24
(Columbus, Worthington/North COL. IN.)
€£♡☆♡☆♡($100 2 FOR 1 SPECIAL )♡♡☆♡2 hOt GirLs AvAiLaBLe RiGhT nOw! ♡☆♡we always answer our calls!☆☆♡ - 24
(Columbus, Hilliard/West Columbus)
(NEW NUMBER)Call the sexy brunette you wont be disappointed😉O.C.💋🚿🚫🎮🚫💩💸💸 - 25
(Columbus, Just north of downtown Columbus)
160$ INDULGE Forbidden Fantasies Fulfilled FEATURING Paradise Passions Blonde & Hot Cheeks - 26
#1 Would LOVE to get you off🍒Reward URSELF! Incall & Outcall🍒its Natalie💋614-307-9028 - 29
(Columbus, columbus oh)
2 Girl Birthday Fantasy (614)743-9598 Help Me Celebrate All Night Long. *** - 26
(Columbus, Worthington/NORTH)
2 ReAl cRaZy HoT ThIcK Curvy with Juicy Booties New to Bp Call Come Enjoy ask about special - 33
(Columbus, columbus area / OUT CALLS/ AVAILABLE)
** 100$ hr ** NEW PICTURES *** I am THE WOMAN YOU * WILL * DREAM ABOUT ...*** [well reviewed] - 30
(Columbus, Columbus XOXOXO)
1940's PIN-UP GIRL STYLE! SPECIALS! Spacious Jacuzzi! Candles! 36 DDD's! $150 1 Hour - 28
(Columbus, Just North Of Downtown! Easy I-71 Access)
*100 specials ++ late nite/ early morn ** Hot & kissable ** Complete Enjoyment ** 100% real pic's ++ - 27
(Columbus, north my home /morse rd or outcall)
$100 Outcall Special With Flexible Young Sexy Toned Blonde Blue Eyed Bp Newby Amber - 19
(Columbus, North Columbus Incall & Outcall)
100% ReaL ☆ JAWDROPPING ☆ D_ R _ E_ A_ M_ ** __ G_I_ R_L ** PERFECT TEN - 18
(Columbus, N/in and outcalls)