Tue 07 Jan
Rise And Shine *38DDs** Incall/Outcall ** 2 Girls Available Now - 28
(Columbus, Dublin, Columbus, Surronding Areas)
*!!!!!! May I Have Your Attention Please !!!!!!*! 25 year old !!!!!!!!! Busty, Blonde !!!!!!!!!**
(Columbus, Oh.)
I'm back❤ and still❤ Young❤ Beautiful❤N❤ Ready❤for❤you❤ right❤now! - 24
(Columbus, Alum Creek dr./317)
☆{doUbLe yOuR pLeaSuRe, doUbLe yOuR fUn, 2 GirLs fOr ThE pRicE oF 1}☆uNbelievaBle sPeciALs CALL NOW! - 24
(Columbus, Hilliard/West Columbus)
REAL Wife - - Not Escort - - SATURDAY - - - Extreemly Personal --- Stuff No Else Will Do! - 41
:'🎆 Kennedy 4 Your Exotic Adult Fun & Fantasies...! - 28
(Columbus, in call or out call ,.Your Choice!)
"Come On Fellas Come See What This 2 Girl Duo Can Do"*** NEW pics!! - 29
(Columbus, Columbus IN & OUT calls)
BLACK babydoll (the REAL one) dont be fooled by the fakes! - 25
(Columbus, OUTCALL columbus & surrounding)
Mon 06 Jan
♥Ready-Reliable-Real! 60$ Ss Special-All day & night-Call now! ♥ - 46
(Columbus, Columbus South West-Grove City)
Open Minded *** SOCCER MOM *** ASK ABOUT 2 GIRLS (today only) (cal ahead) - 39
(Columbus, North Upscale)
♥pLEASING u is My Pleaure!! Im a TLC Gal♥and a Long-Lasting-Lover! - 28
(Columbus, EROTIC♥Pleasure ! In or Out my Hideaway!)
_____ Mz.Hazels $100 Special ____ ____ ____ * ^ * ^ seXxy tHicK & HOt n' HOrnY * ^ * ^ - 22
_____ * _____ * _____ * _____ * _____ Mari3 & Hazel ..... 42 & 40 DD'z!!!!! We r Back In Town ... - 21
(Columbus/ 161(North))
🌟∵⭐∵★∵♥~I'm Cali. ~Let's have some fun!♥∵🌟∵⭐∵⭐ Highly Reviewed! - 26
(Columbus, in calls oR out/ south/grove city)
HURRY!!! LEAVING FRIDAY @ NOON♥$100ss /$150hh /$250hr♥ FoLLoW TUMBLR 4 Videos/more pics ♥ - 35
Back in town for a few days. Do you have what it takes to make a black women smile - 20
(Columbus, EAST)
____ ____ ____ ***** _____ _____ ____ ***** $50 Singl3 ---$100 Double Girl Specials @ll Day..*Mari3* - 21
▇ ▇♥▇▇♥▇ ▇♥▇▇♥▇ ▇ sexy 100% real pics call me NOW in town for 1 night only▇ ▇♥▇▇♥▇ ▇ - 21
(Columbus, North Columbus)
**Now A Resident **I provide a experience as well as all types of fantasies and sensual touch - 24
(North Side/discrete hotel)
~~~Exotic Bombshell! Early Bird Low Rates! No Rushing. Guaranteed Smiles***~~~ - 27
(Columbus, North Columbus)
Be Good To Yourself Indulge & Treat Yourself to a sensual massage by a beauty - 25
(Columbus, 161 & I-71)
be back soon!! SnOw in SePtEmBeR !! ❄🐇Upscale.. Sweet.. And always Discreet !! 5 🌟 - 20
(Columbus, INCLL north ask mE)
585-512-8423 New to the Area, looking to meet new people & have some Fun, I will be awake till 8am - 23
★ ★ ★ 139 Outcall Special-1 Hr for 159 or 2 Hrs for 225---NEW to biz. - 24
(Columbus, Columbus area)
▐ ❤▐ 100 SPECIALS ALL DAY ▐ ❤▐ (((SuPeR SeXyy))) bombshell!!! ★★★ AVAiLAbLE N0W★★★ - 24
(Columbus, dublin granville incall)
Roxy ..... & ...... Amber .......Double Menage Duo Toally Exciting and Enjoyable -- 22
— _S_U_P_E_R__ ————— S_W_E_E_T__!——— AVAILABLE__ N_O_W_ ——— * __ONLY__* ——— ——T_H_E————* B_E_S_T - 23
(Columbus, ωωω⊙ω⊙ωωω CUTE & Beautifull)
report:*° SUPER *° S EXY *° STARR REAL PHOTOS! - - - 24
_S_U_P_E_R__ *S_E_X_Y* - _*F_U_N*_ *E_X_O_T_I_C_* - - 19
" IF you WANT to FEEL a TINGLE HOLLor at SWEET N SEXY for a Mingle.Ask about my 85$ SPECIAL Today call me now - 24
(¯`'+ ** BEAUTIFUL HOTT SEXXY MOM!! ** + '´¯) (¯`'+ ABSOLUTELY + '´¯) (¯`.¸+ A DREAM COME TRUE+ '´¯) - 34
(Columbus, INCALL)
♠$60 SPECIALS ALL DAY/NIGHT♥💋 SN3aK ✖◾Aw@y✖◾AnD ✖◾C0me ✖◾Pl@y✖◾WiTH✖◾M3 💋♠♥ - 23
(Columbus, Dublin Granville)
c+u+m have lots of fun with one or two that loves to play n everyway!!! - 28
(Columbus, Westside Columbus Ohio area/ Hilliard Ro)
Sun 05 Jan