Tue 21 Jan
🎉 A SEXY💃HOUSEWIFE 4 FUN 🎉 The sWEeTEST C🍪🍪KIE in the Jar...🐝 💞A Beautiful Experience💞 - 40
(Columbus, My Place💙 Or Yours)
$ 100 $ Specials $• ° ★'CaTcH mE wHiLE¯`• ° ★' yOu CaN¯`• ° ★'. $ SPecials $ 100$ - 22
(Columbus, my place or yours!)
Sexiest and cheapest and incall and outcall ready real deal 6149877500 - 27
(Columbus, columbus my place or yours or anywhere)
PuErTo rIcAn PleAsUrE NeW To B.P. CeLeBrAtE My B-DaY W/ Me!! OuTcALLs AvAiL.. CLICK HERE - 20
★lm β@©K! ★★Me: @$$↑ ©LI©K →H£®£←★ Highl¥ $kill€D™★★ Highl¥ ®£©OMM£ND£D♥♥ - 25
(Columbus, my place or yours)
looking to experince pure pleasurable time call Katie 614-383-8553 - 23
(Columbus, my place or yours !)
Let me show you I am what you want in or outcall redy and half hour 75 half hr deals - 27
(Columbus, columbus my place or yours)
Katy specials tonight only! The real thing no gimmics! 216-235-2086 - 23
(Columbus, NE Columbus my place or yours)
Just bewteen US late night fun INCALL AND OUTCALL 6149994387 - 27
(Columbus, columbus my place or yours)
Katy! come see the classiest! no games pics 100% 614-804-5550 - 23
(Columbus, NE Columbus my place or yours)
I'M LEAVIN' 2NITE!!! CALL ME RiTe NOW!! LET'S PARTY LiKe RoCkStArZ :D !!3304101025 cUbAn & itAliAn - 20
(Columbus, OSU Olentangy river Incalls / outcall)
-*+* FrIdAy $pecial$- BEST Rates & HOTTEST Provider In Town +*+- - 25
(Columbus, <3 My Place Or Yours <3)
★★FREE ALERT★★ Now Scheduling N Columbus ★3 Days Only ★ →Click HERE← - 25
(Columbus, my place or yours)
Sun 12 Jan
GO for CLASS and COMFORT, not a rush to the door!! 614-987-5029 - 23
(Columbus, NE Columbus my place or yours)
Sat 11 Jan
Fri 10 Jan
Thu 09 Jan
Wed 08 Jan
One and only Tess and im the best so come over or il come to U 80 a half hr 120 a hr - 27
(Columbus, columbs north my place or yours REDY)
Incall & Outcall Petite Mature Sidny 32DD-24-34 New Private Residence, new number! - 35
(Columbus, west columbusdowntown & outcall)
incall/outcall Petite Mature Sidny 32DD-24-34 Private Residence - 35
(Columbus, west columbusdowntown & outcall)
Tue 07 Jan
o+* HoTT tHuRsDaY SpEcIaLs! - HiGhLy ReViEwEd & ReCCoMeNdEd +*+o - 25
(Columbus, <3 My Place Or Yours <3)
o+*+ WILD WeDnEsDaY SpEcIaLs! - HiGhLy ReViEwEd & ReCCoMeNdEd +*+o - 25
(Columbus, <3 My Place Or Yours <3)
I'M LEAVIN' 2NITE!!! CALL ME RiTe NOW!! LET'S PARTY LiKe RoCkStArZ :D !!3304101025 cUbAn & itAliAn - 20
(Columbus, OSU Olentangy river Incalls / outcall)
Mon 06 Jan
Katy! come see the classiest! no games pics 100% 614-632-3980 - 23
(Columbus, NE Columbus my place or yours)
Im back and redy so come and get it or let me bring it 614 9994387 - 27
(Columbus, columbus north my place or yours)
*^*^*A HOT PLayMaTe Who Love 2 PLAY!, Come & GET IT!^*YUmmy!(Either, Or) - 30
(Columbus, columbus, my place or YOURS!!!)
NEW IN TOWN ▓ ▒✪ ✪*•.❤* ░ ▒ ▓ ♥•♥ • 100% REAL ❤️❤️ SINFUL FUN ♥•♥ •♥ ▓ ▒ ░ * ❤•* - 24
(Columbus, my place or yours)
★lm β@©K! ★★Me: @$$↑ ©LI©K →H£®£←★ Highl¥ $kill€D™★★ Highl¥ ®£©OMM£ND£D♥♥ - 25
(Columbus, my place or yours)
Katy! come see the classiest! no games pics 100% 614-804-5550 - 23
(Columbus, NE Columbus my place or yours)
🌟EXPLORING🌟FANTASI€S🌟 2GETHER!! [[(BRUNETTE B💣MBshell!((•R£ADY N💣W•))]]🌟 614-284-1733🌟 - 26
(Columbus, 🌟🌞 24HR🌜🚗OUTCALL 🚦& EAST INCALL🏰🌟)
♥A¤♥¤GorGeous Gal ★ 4 All Your "Erotic" Adult Affairs! And Fun!! My PlayGround♥♥ - 27
(Columbus, ( my place or yours! ) EROTIC LOVER♥YUM!)
Let me show you I am what you want in or outcall redy and half hour 75 half hr deals - 27
(Columbus, columbus my place or yours)
Let ME show YOU a good time Tess incall and outcall 614-315-7384 always 24/7 - 27
(Columbus, 161 columbus my place or yours)
Katy! come see the classiest! no games pics 100% 614-632-3980 - 23
(Columbus, NE Columbus my place or yours)
Sun 05 Jan
♥♥Guess Who★ Now Scheduling★ n Columbus★♥♥ NO LONGER AVAILABLE IN COLUMBUS - 25
(Columbus, my place or yours)
One and only Tess and im the best so come over or il come to U 80 a half hr 120 a hr - 27
(Columbus, columbs north my place or yours REDY)
💋Petite model PARIS !!! 💋 ✨ ✨ Uℓtiℳαtε PℓαγMαtε 5⭐ SexY E✖ΘTiC ❥αvαiℓabℓε - 20
(Columbus, My place or yours)
NEW IN TOWN ▓ ▒✪ ✪*•.❤* ░ ▒ ▓ ♥•♥ • 100% REAL ❤️❤️ SINFUL FUN ♥•♥ •♥ ▓ ▒ ░ * ❤•* - 24
(Columbus, my place or yours)
Just bewteen US late night fun INCALL AND OUTCALL 6149994387 - 27
(Columbus, columbus my place or yours)