Mon 27 Jan
You KnOw What DaY iT is. So Lets gEt OveR thAt HuMp! Pretty ReLaXed* FanTasy MaSsaGe - 100
(Columbus, BikiNi RuB $50h/$90hr, Slide $80h/$160)
Tue 21 Jan
WhaTs Ur FlaVor? Pretty ReLaXed* Free SwEEt, SaLty, or SoApy * Tell Me WheRe 2 ScrUb! - 100
(Columbus, BikiNi RuB $50h/$90hr, Slide $80h/$160)
Fri 03 Jan
You KnOw What DaY iT is. So Lets gEt OveR thAt HuMp! Pretty ReLaXed* FanTasy MaSsaGe - 100
(Columbus, BikiNi RuB $50h/$90hr, Slide $80h/$160)
Thu 02 Jan