Mon 27 Jan
Snuggle Up by the Fire with a Hot Totty. As I Melt Ur Body & SoOOothe the Soul.... Pretty RelaXed! - 100
(Columbus, TGI Phenomenal Pampering & Free Cocktail)
Rubs, Scrubs, & CoconutSlides R Just a few Reasons Why* Pretty Relaxed Phenomenal Pamperinista 4 U! - 100
(Columbus, Stiletto Specials!)
Looking for a lil fun? Look no further we have everything you need ✨🎉 SPECIALS ✨🎉❤️ - 23
(Columbus, East columbus/ Reynoldsburg)
Bikini Rubs, BodyScrubs, CocoNut SliDes *Pretty RelaXed* WheRe its AlWays SoaPy FuN!
(Columbus, Bikini $60h,$90hr,$130cs Free Scrub!)
Gorgeous therapeutic and SATISFYING full body erotic massage ✨🎉 SPECIALS ✨🎉❤️ - 23
(Columbus, East columbus/ Reynoldsburg)
***Beautiful Blonde BOMBSHELL!!!*** Masha from Russia*** (614)464-7801 - 42
(Columbus, EAST Columbus, Reynoldsburg)
Tue 21 Jan
Nikki!!! NEW PHOTOS!***Great reviews!!! ***New services! Specials till Saturday *** - 26
(Columbus, INCALL and OUTCALL!!!)
MeltDown by the Fire & Enjoy Southern HoSpitality with a PheNoMenal PamperiNista @ Pretty RelaXed! - 100
(Columbus, ***You Deserve it*** Specials!)
Looking for a lil fun? Look no further we have everything you need ✨🎉 SPECIALS ✨🎉❤️ - 23
(Columbus, East columbus/ Reynoldsburg)
***Beautiful Blonde BOMBSHELL!!!*** IRINA from Russia*** (614)464-7801 - 42
(Columbus, EAST Columbus, Reynoldsburg)
Mon 06 Jan
Enjoy Southern HoSpitality w/a PheNoMenal PaMperiNiSta @ Pretty RelaXed*The PaSsion for Pampering U! - 100
(Columbus, Stiletto Sunday Specials U Deserve!)
Best 4 hand Massages in Columbus! [Sensual Massages & Nuru Slides] - 25
(Columbus, East Dublin-Granville Rd & Cleveland Ave)
Gorgeous therapeutic and SATISFYING full body erotic massage ✨🎉 SPECIALS ✨🎉❤️ - 23
(Columbus, East columbus/ Reynoldsburg)
Sun 05 Jan
***Beautiful Blonde BOMBSHELL!!!*** Masha from Russia*** (614)464-7801 - 42
(Columbus, EAST Columbus, Reynoldsburg)
Sat 04 Jan
DriZZln WARM Oil *100% SmoKin HOT PamperiNiSta N 3D cOOcoNut S_L_I_D_N w/Ur sipN JaCk meltN RocKs;) - 100
(Columbus, Pretty RelaXed Cure for the Winter Blues)
***Beautiful Blonde BOMBSHELL!!!*** IRINA from Russia*** (614)464-7801 - 42
(Columbus, EAST Columbus, Reynoldsburg)
🎭 5➰ Shades〰Hot🍵Oily waVes 🌊 take You 2 the Edge📐 Slip into R&R;〽️ Maintain UniBody🔗 - 40
(Columbus, Pretty💮Relaxed Body🔵Shop💈NORTH 2day)
Fri 03 Jan