Mon 27 Jan
Take back ur Sun & ur piece of mind! Say NO to errands & YES to total body relaxation! 80 SPECIALS! - 25
(Columbus, 23 & 270 / POLARIS /WORTHINGTON)
Say hello to the month of July & take an evening for yourself! Avail Now! - 25
(Columbus, 23 & 270 / POLARIS /WORTHINGTON)
Magical hands+ Beautiful buxom brunette= 1 AMAZING afternoon. Vivianne is AVAILABLE now! - 25
(Columbus, Worthington / Polaris / 23 & 270)
Magical hands+ Beautiful buxom brunette= 1 AMAZING relaxation session. AVAILABLE now! - 25
(Columbus, Worthington / Polaris / 23 & 270)
End the holiday weekend with a BANG & come relax w/ me! Looking for regulars! Ask about 80 specials! - 25
(Columbus, 23 & 270 / POLARIS /WORTHINGTON)
Dads take back your weekend w/ an 80 Father's Day Special! You'll be happy u did! - 25
(Columbus, POLARIS / WORTHINGTON / 23&270 /)
Awaken the serenity from w/in- Schedule now, you'll be happy you did! - 25
(Columbus, 23/270/Polaris/Worthinton)
AVAIL NOW! Blissful relaxation sessions will guarantee a rejuvenated peace of mind! 80 specials! - 25
(Columbus, Worthington / Polaris / 23 & 270)
Treat yourself to a one of a kind relaxation session to start the new year off right! 80 specials! - 25
(Columbus, Worthington / Polaris / 23 & 270)
WEEKEND 80 SPECIALS!! Upscale relaxation sessions just for you! AVAIL NOW! - 25
(Columbus, Worthington / Polaris / 23 & 270)
End the holiday weekend with a BANG & come relax w/ me! Looking for regulars! Ask about 80 specials! - 25
(Columbus, 23 & 270 / POLARIS /WORTHINGTON)
Awaken the serenity from w/in- Schedule now, you'll be happy you did! - 25
(Columbus, 23/270/Polaris/Worthinton)
AVAIL NOW! Blissful relaxation sessions will guarantee a rejuvenated peace of mind! 80 specials! - 25
(Columbus, Worthington / Polaris / 23 & 270)
Tue 21 Jan
Why not indulge in a little "me time" today? Treat yourself to some blissful relaxation! 80 SPECIALS - 25
(Columbus, Worthington / Polaris / 23 & 270)
Weekly Specials, free ur body & mind w/ my one-of-a-kind relaxation session. Well-reviewed! - 25
(Columbus, Worthington / Polaris / 23 & 270)
Wednesday SPECIALS!! AVAIL NOW!! Blissful relaxation sessions w/ Vivianne! - 25
(Columbus, Worthington / Polaris / 23 & 270)
Take back ur Sun & ur piece of mind! Say NO to errands & YES to total body relaxation! 80 SPECIALS! - 25
(Columbus, 23 & 270 / POLARIS /WORTHINGTON)
Saturday Specials, free ur body & mind w/ my one-of-a-kind relaxation session. Well-reviewed! - 25
(Columbus, Worthington / Polaris / 23 & 270)
Magical hands+ Beautiful buxom brunette= 1 AMAZING afternoon. Vivianne is AVAILABLE now! - 25
(Columbus, Worthington / Polaris / 23 & 270)
Magical hands+ Beautiful buxom brunette= 1 AMAZING relaxation session. AVAILABLE now! - 25
(Columbus, Worthington / Polaris / 23 & 270)
It's the end of the week & almost Halloween so you deserve a treat! 80 SPECIAL, WELL REVIEWED! - 25
(Columbus, Worthington / Polaris / 23 & 270)
Dads take back your weekend w/ an 80 Father's Day Special! You'll be happy u did! - 25
(Columbus, POLARIS / WORTHINGTON / 23&270 /)
Escape your day for an afternoon of blissful relaxation! 80 SPECIALS! WELL REVIEWED! - 25
(Columbus, Worthington / Polaris / 23 & 270)
AVAIL NOW!! Relax, unwind, reinvigorate w/ a refreshing body rub today! 80 SPECIAL! - 25
(Columbus, Worthington / Polaris / 23 & 270)
Bodacious Cherokee Goddess AVAIL NOW to help you relax & unwind! Well reviewed! 80 specials! - 25
(Columbus, Worthington / Polaris / 23 & 270)
AVAIL NOW! Individulized relaxation sessions, all guests leave happy & satisfied! Highly Reviewed! - 25
(Columbus, 23 north & 270 / Worthington / Polaris)
Ask about my daily 80 special! Take some time for yourself and come relax w/ me! Highly reviewed! - 25
(Columbus, Worthington / Polaris / 23 & 270)
Avail Now!! Looking 4 regulars! Take a break & treat urslf 2 some ME time! GREAT REVIEWS! - 25
(Columbus, Worthington / Polaris / 23 & 270)
Tue 07 Jan
It's the end of the week & almost Halloween so you deserve a treat! 80 SPECIAL, WELL REVIEWED! - 25
(Columbus, Worthington / Polaris / 23 & 270)
Mon 06 Jan
Why not indulge in a little "me time" today? Treat yourself to some blissful relaxation! 80 SPECIALS - 25
(Columbus, Worthington / Polaris / 23 & 270)
Escape your day for an afternoon of blissful relaxation! 80 SPECIALS! WELL REVIEWED! - 25
(Columbus, Worthington / Polaris / 23 & 270)
Ask about my daily 80 special! Take some time for yourself and come relax w/ me! Highly reviewed! - 25
(Columbus, Worthington / Polaris / 23 & 270)
AVAIL NOW! Individulized relaxation sessions, all guests leave happy & satisfied! Highly Reviewed! - 25
(Columbus, 23 north & 270 / Worthington / Polaris)
AVAIL NOW!! Relax, unwind, reinvigorate w/ a refreshing body rub today! 80 SPECIAL! - 25
(Columbus, Worthington / Polaris / 23 & 270)
Sun 05 Jan
Wednesday SPECIALS!! AVAIL NOW!! Blissful relaxation sessions w/ Vivianne! - 25
(Columbus, Worthington / Polaris / 23 & 270)
Avail Now!! Looking 4 regulars! Take a break & treat urslf 2 some ME time! GREAT REVIEWS! - 25
(Columbus, Worthington / Polaris / 23 & 270)
Saturday Specials, free ur body & mind w/ my one-of-a-kind relaxation session. Well-reviewed! - 25
(Columbus, Worthington / Polaris / 23 & 270)
Say hello to the month of July & take an evening for yourself! Avail Now! - 25
(Columbus, 23 & 270 / POLARIS /WORTHINGTON)
Sat 04 Jan
Treat yourself to a one of a kind relaxation session to start the new year off right! 80 specials! - 25
(Columbus, Worthington / Polaris / 23 & 270)
Weekly Specials, free ur body & mind w/ my one-of-a-kind relaxation session. Well-reviewed! - 25
(Columbus, Worthington / Polaris / 23 & 270)
Fri 03 Jan
Bodacious Cherokee Goddess AVAIL NOW to help you relax & unwind! Well reviewed! 80 specials! - 25
(Columbus, Worthington / Polaris / 23 & 270)
Thu 02 Jan