Mon 27 Jan
👄🍵💨MariNade🏮 If You haVe TiMe🏮 Steep 💧n H🔥t Oily Relief🏮 Simmer👘 Your PleaSure is MiNe🏮it's BreWing💨 - 40
(Columbus, PrettyRelaxed BodyShop ✨ N ✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️ E)
⚪️💦🔵💦 Live Life💦⚪️💦🔴💦 Pursuit 💦🔵💦🔴💦Happiness💦⚪️💦🔵💦 Liberate💦⚪️💦🔴💦 Your 💦🔵💦🔴💦Body & Mind - 40
(Columbus, PrettyRelaxed BodyShop E✈️N)
💦 If U'Ve got TiMe🕝🕒🕠 2 RelaX 🌀 UnWind🔥✨ with CoCkTails or WiNe🍸🍹🍷 Ur PleaSure 👘 will Be🐝 MiNe〽️🍯 - 40
(Columbus, PrettyRelaxed BodyShop Daily ✨ N✈️E)
Let Me🏮 Rub You Down 🏮 If You haVe TiMe... 2 RelaX 🏮 UnWind 🏮 ExHale💨 Your PleaSure is MiNe🏮Breath🌹 - 40
(Columbus, PrettyRelaxed BodyShop ✨ N ✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️ E)
👄🍵💨MariNade🏮 If You haVe TiMe🏮 Steep 💧n H🔥t Oily Relief🏮 Simmer👘 Your PleaSure is MiNe🏮it's BreWing💨 - 40
(Columbus, PrettyRelaxed BodyShop ✨ N ✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️ E)
⚪️💦🔵💦 Live Life💦⚪️💦🔴💦 Pursuit 💦🔵💦🔴💦Happiness💦⚪️💦🔵💦 Liberate💦⚪️💦🔴💦 Your 💦🔵💦🔴💦Body & Mind - 40
(Columbus, PrettyRelaxed BodyShop E✈️N)
🏀🏀🏀🏀ReBound🏀🏀🏀🏀 Your 🏀🏀🏀🏀Relaxation🏀🏀🏀🏀 FastBreak🏀🏀🏀🏀Slam🏀🏀🏀🏀 Dunk🏀🏀🏀🏀Alley🏀🏀🏀🏀OOP🏀 - 40
(Columbus, PrettyRelaxed BodyShop N✈️E)
Tue 21 Jan
🔱🔱🔱🔱 LoVely Day🔱🔱🔱🔱 LoVely Day 🔱🔱🔱🔱LoVely Day 🔱🔱🔱🔱for a🔱🔱🔱🔱Pampering 🔱🔱🔱🔱EsCapade🔱🔱🔱🔱 - 40
(Columbus, PrettyRelaxed BodyShop E✈️N)
💦 If U'Ve got TiMe🕝🕒🕠 2 RelaX 🌀 UnWind🔥✨ with CoCkTails or WiNe🍸🍹🍷 Ur PleaSure 👘 will Be🐝 MiNe〽️🍯 - 40
(Columbus, PrettyRelaxed BodyShop Daily ✨ N✈️E)
Let Me🏮 Rub You Down 🏮 If You haVe TiMe... 2 RelaX 🏮 UnWind 🏮 ExHale💨 Your PleaSure is MiNe🏮Breath🌹 - 40
(Columbus, PrettyRelaxed BodyShop ✨ N ✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️ E)
Happy 😎 Hours 💦 If You'Ve got RelaX 🌀 UnWind.....Your PleaSure...will Be🐝 MiNe〽️🍯 - 40
(Columbus, PrettyRelaxed BodyShop Daily ✨ N✈️E)
Mon 06 Jan
👐💦👐💦Gotta👐💦👐💦 Tense Neck 👐💦👐💦👐💦 Stiff Back👐💦👐💦👐💦Tight Tush👐💦Bee〽️🐝 Pretty🍯Relaxed👐💦👐💦 - 40
(Columbus, PrettyRelaxed BodyShop N✈️E)
Sat 04 Jan
Happy 😎 Hours 💦 If You'Ve got RelaX 🌀 UnWind.....Your PleaSure...will Be🐝 MiNe〽️🍯 - 40
(Columbus, PrettyRelaxed BodyShop Daily ✨ N✈️E)
Fri 03 Jan
👐💦👐💦Gotta👐💦👐💦 Tense Neck 👐💦👐💦👐💦 Stiff Back👐💦👐💦👐💦Tight Tush👐💦Bee〽️🐝 Pretty🍯Relaxed👐💦👐💦 - 40
(Columbus, PrettyRelaxed BodyShop N✈️E)
Thu 02 Jan