Mon 27 Jan
Guaranteed Service! Find Out What Sets Me Apart From Other Providers! - 29
(Columbus, North Columbus)
Early🐦FUN💋ADDiCTiVE😋Drug 🌟$💨M💨Ø💨ƙ💨ł💨₦💨G🔥ҤØŦ_☜ SPECIALS All Morning 💦🍓PERFECTiON 🍒 - 22
(161, 71 North. Specials all morning, Columbus)
"EROTICA ANDREA" tuesday Specials" w/ Friends for YOU!!!! Specials w alley ALL NIGHT! Reviews! - 31
(Columbus, north incall or outcall specials to you!)
*»>YOUR PLACE OR MINE?*«< an oppurtunity you dont want to miss. *Available anytime.* - 26
(Columbus, NORTH INCALL/ Outcall specials)
*»>YOUR PLACE OR MINE?*«< an oppurtunity you dont want to miss. NEW NUMBER*Available anytime.* - 26
(Columbus, NORTH INCALL/ Outcall specials)
65 roses everyday and night quality deal 6149877500 incall and outcall always open - 27
(Columbus, North incall specials! or Outcall to u!)
$100 Specials Incall Specials ** w/ EROTiC ANDREA ** Reviewed** - 31
(Columbus, north incall specials)
( ((100% ME)) )~Tall,** ** Sexxxy!!** ** Erotic! ~..Hottt!!... Blonde ***A ReAL TReAt!***
(north area)
$100 Specials Incall Specials ** w/ EROTiC ANDREA ** Reviewed** - 31
(Columbus, north incall specials)
Nasty N@ughTY Adventures AwaiT YoU! ★★ BUSTY BaRbiE ★ 100% REAL PiX !! So Sooo HoT - 22
ღ I'LL MaKe You FaLL iN lOVE!!! ღ **Sexy/Tall Brown Skin// ~Mz.BuBBleS~** ღ - 22
I am REaDY my real pics and incall and outcall 614 315 7384 - 27
(Columbus, North incall specials! or Outcall to u!)
GO for CLASS and COMFORT, not a rush to the door!! 614-987-5029 - 23
(Columbus, NE Columbus my place or yours)
GiRLS* _* LiKe*_ *Me*_ *oNLy * _*CoMe* _ * aRouND * _ *eVeRY*_ * oNCe* _ *iN* _* aWHiLe* - 28 - 28
Guaranteed Service! Find Out What Sets Me Apart From Other Providers! - 29
(Columbus, North Columbus)
Tue 21 Jan
BEfore Noon $100 Specials Incall Specials ** w/ EROTiC ANDREA ** Reviewed** - 31
(Columbus, north incall specials)
*»>YOUR PLACE OR MINE?*«< an oppurtunity you dont want to miss. *Available anytime.* - 26
(Columbus, NORTH INCALL/ Outcall specials)
*»>YOUR PLACE OR MINE?*«< an oppurtunity you dont want to miss. NEW NUMBER*Available anytime.* - 26
(Columbus, NORTH INCALL/ Outcall specials)
65 roses everyday and night quality deal 6143157384 incall and outcall always open - 27
(Columbus, North incall specials! or Outcall to u!)
65 roses everyday and night quality deal 6149877500 incall and outcall always open - 27
(Columbus, North incall specials! or Outcall to u!)
Sun 12 Jan
GO for CLASS and COMFORT, not a rush to the door!! 614-987-5029 - 23
(Columbus, NE Columbus my place or yours)
Sat 11 Jan
GiRLS* _* LiKe*_ *Me*_ *oNLy * _*CoMe* _ * aRouND * _ *eVeRY*_ * oNCe* _ *iN* _* aWHiLe* - 28 - 28
Wed 08 Jan
65 roses everyday and night quality deal 6143157384 incall and outcall always open - 27
(Columbus, North incall specials! or Outcall to u!)
Tue 07 Jan
Mon 06 Jan
BEfore Noon $100 Specials Incall Specials ** w/ EROTiC ANDREA ** Reviewed** - 31
(Columbus, north incall specials)
Sun 05 Jan
ღ I'LL MaKe You FaLL iN lOVE!!! ღ **Sexy/Tall Brown Skin// ~Mz.BuBBleS~** ღ - 22
(ღ Gated comunity NorthSide161)
SATURDAY AM SPECIAL....YOUR PLACE OR MINE?!¿ Independent, reviewed, open minded, Available anytime.* - 27
(Columbus, NORTH INCALL/ Outcall specials)
Sat 04 Jan
I am REaDY my real pics and incall and outcall 614 315 7384 - 27
(Columbus, North incall specials! or Outcall to u!)
Nasty N@ughTY Adventures AwaiT YoU! ★★ BUSTY BaRbiE ★ 100% REAL PiX !! So Sooo HoT - 22
Fri 03 Jan
ღ I'LL MaKe You FaLL iN lOVE!!! ღ **Sexy/Tall Brown Skin// ~Mz.BuBBleS~** ღ - 22
Thu 02 Jan