Mon 27 Jan
come get naughti ** absolute pleasure ** sexy brunett ** 80 SPEACIALS ** - 27
(Columbus, north morse rd / private resident)
absolute* true kissable pleasure *** Always SPEACIALS ** KASIE ** - 27
(Columbus, north morse rd / private resident)
come get naughti ** absolute pleasure ** sexy brunett ** 80 SPEACIALS ** - 27
(Columbus, north morse rd / private resident)
** Giving you the best ++ ++ all day SPEACIALS ** absolute pleasure ** - 27
(Columbus, north morse rd / private resident)
Tue 21 Jan
Absolutly ++ Naughti ++ kisses** Speacials 80 ** Kasie¤¤¤ - 27
(Columbus, north morse rd / private resident)
** 80 SPEACIALS ** all nite long ** Absolute pleasure ** KASIE - 27
(Columbus, north morse rd / private resident)
absolute* true kissable pleasure *** Always SPEACIALS ** KASIE ** - 27
(Columbus, north morse rd / private resident)
** 80 SPEACIALS **all day long ** all nite long ** Absolute pleasure ** KASIE - 27
(Columbus, north morse rd / private resident)
*** 80 ** SPEACIALS ** absolute pleasure ++ 100% real kisses ** - 27
(Columbus, north morse rd / private resident)
*** KASIE *** true kissable pleasure *** Always SPEACIALS ** - 27
(Columbus, north morse rd / private resident)
Sun 12 Jan
** Giving you the best ++ ++ all day SPEACIALS ** absolute pleasure ** - 27
(Columbus, north morse rd / private resident)
Fri 10 Jan
** 80 SPEACIALS ** all nite long ** Absolute pleasure ** KASIE - 27
(Columbus, north morse rd / private resident)
Wed 08 Jan
Tue 07 Jan
++** NAUGHTI KISSES **++ Absolute pleasure ++ private incall ** - 27
(Columbus, north morse rd / private resident)
Mon 06 Jan
*** KASIE *** true kissable pleasure *** Always SPEACIALS ** - 27
(Columbus, north morse rd / private resident)
*** KASIE *** Absolute pleasure **100% real kisses** Always SPEACIALS ** - 27
(Columbus, north morse rd / private resident)
++** NAUGHTI KISSES **++ Absolute pleasure ++ private incall ** - 27
(Columbus, north morse rd / private resident)
Sun 05 Jan
** KASIE **here for your pleasure** come get it ** - 27
(Columbus, north morse rd / private resident)
Sat 04 Jan
** KASIE **here for your pleasure** come get it ** - 27
(Columbus, north morse rd / private resident)
*** 80 ** SPEACIALS ** absolute pleasure ++ 100% real kisses ** - 27
(Columbus, north morse rd / private resident)
Fri 03 Jan
*** KASIE *** Absolute pleasure **100% real kisses** Always SPEACIALS ** - 27
(Columbus, north morse rd / private resident)
Absolutly ++ Naughti ++ kisses** Speacials 80 ** Kasie¤¤¤ - 27
(Columbus, north morse rd / private resident)
Thu 02 Jan