Mon 27 Jan
End of Summer blues..i cn help!! ~avail all day~ 100% reall !! long legs..blond beaut 75in100out - 30
(Columbus, east(incall)anywhere(out))
End of Summer blues..i cn help!! ~avail all day~ 100% reall !! long legs..blond beaut 80in/100out - 30
(Columbus, east(incall)anywhere(out))
Cum Warm Up N My Caramel Goodness On This Cold Rainy Day!!!! TOTAL GFE. $80 Specials TODAY - 24
(Columbus OH, Surrounding Areas)
Cold Outside I Have What U Need To Warm U Up Caramel Hot CoCo!!!! TOTAL . - 24
(Columbus OH, Surrounding Areas)
Cold Outside I Have What U Need To Warm U Up Caramel Hot CoCo!!!! TOTAL . - 24
(Columbus OH, Surrounding Areas)
~~ €€Im one of the few ~~ that DONT do th games and am !! independent.!! .80/in spcl..regs wntd - 30
(Columbus, east(incall)anywhere(out))
Tue 21 Jan
Cum Warm Up N My Caramel Goodness On This Cold Rainy Day!!!! TOTAL GFE. $80 Specials TODAY - 24
(Columbus OH, Surrounding Areas)
Tue 07 Jan
End of Summer blues..i cn help!! ~avail all day~ Love mature men, bt sweet for yngr ALSO* - 30
(Columbus, east(incall)anywhere(out))
Mon 06 Jan
~~ €€Im one of the few ~~ that DONT do th games and am !! independent.!! .80/in spcl..regs wntd - 30
(Columbus, east(incall)anywhere(out))
Sat 04 Jan
Thu 02 Jan