Mon 27 Jan
Availible right now hones no games reliable all day and night low rates 50 till u bust Babe - 25
(Columbus, Columbus ohio northside off hudson and p)
All Day Specials* In and Outcall Specials ** w/ EROTiC ANDREA and Brynn ** Reviewed** - 29
(North in or Outcall)
60 half hr deal 4 quality 4 less and if ur looking 4 the time of ur life 614-315-7384 - 27
(Columbus, 161 hotel or ur place)
2ND session FREE.Unrushed & Sensual. Let me show u some secret tricks u will love. 80 KISS SPECIAL - 29
(Columbus, North ( private upscale location ))
***Im a Beautiful , BRUNETte , Hottie that Pleases !! - 27
(A Sensual North In or Outcall 4 you!!, Columbus)
***Im a Beautiful ,'Hard Body ", Hottie that Pleases !! - 27
(A Sensual North In or Outcall 4 you!!, Columbus)
GiRLS* _* LiKe*_ *Me*_ *oNLy * _*CoMe* _ * aRouND * _ *eVeRY*_ * oNCe* _ *iN* _* aWHiLe* - 28 - 28
Tue 21 Jan
Availible right now hones no games reliable all day and night low rates 50 till u bust Babe - 25
(Columbus, Columbus ohio northside off hudson and p)
Are you tired of girls with Fake pics Not anymore HERE I AM this is me 614 987 7500 - 27
(Columbus, safe private cozy location north 161/71)
All Night Specials* In and Outcall Specials ** w/ EROTiC ANDREA, Marie and Mona ** Reviewed** - 29
(Columbus, North in or Outcall)
All Day Specials* In and Outcall Specials ** w/ EROTiC ANDREA and Brynn ** Reviewed** - 29
(North in or Outcall)
2ND session FREE.Unrushed & Sensual. I will make u 4get all your worries and stress. 80 KISS SPECIAL - 29
(Columbus, North ( private upscale location ))
60 half hr deal 4 quality 4 less and if ur looking 4 the time of ur life 614-315-7384 - 27
(Columbus, 161 hotel or ur place)
Im mobile!! I cn deliver a sexy sweet time ~~.. private res..~ u deserve me!`~ 100in ~ indpndt - 30
(Columbus, east/south east..very quiet/discreet)
Sat 11 Jan
GiRLS* _* LiKe*_ *Me*_ *oNLy * _*CoMe* _ * aRouND * _ *eVeRY*_ * oNCe* _ *iN* _* aWHiLe* - 28 - 28
Thu 09 Jan
--I☆☆'m a Romantic☆SeXY,☆ NauGhty-Gurl!! 2 HoT 2 HaNdLE!! - 28
(A Sensual North In or Outcall 4 you!!, Columbus)
In call at a nice place and outcall redy IM what your looking for 614 9994387 - 27
(Columbus, cols north private residence/outcall)
Wed 08 Jan
Tue 07 Jan
All Night Specials* In and Outcall Specials ** w/ EROTiC ANDREA, Marie and Mona ** Reviewed** - 29
(Columbus, North in or Outcall)
Come experience the TIME of YOUR Life..Blonde Beauty here to Satisfy UR Every Need...GREAT REVIEWS - 31
(Columbus, North Side (Worthington))
Mon 06 Jan
Are you tired of girls with Fake pics Not anymore HERE I AM this is me 614 987 7500 - 27
(Columbus, safe private cozy location north 161/71)
Sun 05 Jan
* $p€c!al$* VeR¥ Tal€nt€d AN r€aDy 2 Pl€a$€!! l€t$ Hav€ $uM fun!!** - 24
(Columbus, North Columbus in or outcall 24/7)
♥Come Play with Columbus's Best Playmate !!!Jordan..a Sweet Treat 2 sneek-away & ENJOY!!! - 27
(Columbus, ♥♥In or Out♡My Pleasure 2 Serve U)
***Ru$hHour Incall $pecials ~~Fast Outcalls ~~ (614) 531-7906~ Sweet n Sexy *** - 28
(Columbus, North off 71 & Outcall)
***Im a Beautiful , BRUNETte , Hottie that Pleases !! - 27
(A Sensual North In or Outcall 4 you!!, Columbus)
Sat 04 Jan
***Ru$hHour Incall $pecials ~~Fast Outcalls ~~ (614) 531-7906~ Sweet n Sexy *** - 28
(Columbus, North off 71 & Outcall)
* $p€c!al$* VeR¥ Tal€nt€d AN r€aDy 2 Pl€a$€!! l€t$ Hav€ $uM fun!!** - 24
(Columbus, North Columbus in or outcall 24/7)
Im mobile!! I cn deliver a sexy sweet time ~~.. private res..~ u deserve me!`~ 100in ~ indpndt - 30
(Columbus, east/south east..very quiet/discreet)
Fri 03 Jan