Sat 01 Feb
Mon 27 Jan
With Hot Oils, My Smooth Touch, & Phenomenal Pampering You Can't Help but Be Pretty Relaxed! - 100
(Columbus, Earlybird Stiletto Specials!)
Take Time Out to be Pampered from He@d 2 Toe until Ur Pretty Relaxed * Look & Feel like a New Man! - 100
(Columbus, Evening Rush* SPECIALS*)
TGI Wanna Rub U Down then Soap U Up* Pretty Relaxed Got Your Back just Show Me where it Hurts! - 100
(Columbus, Ur SmOOooth Operator! Rush Hour Specials)
Warm up and feel relieved with Emily. INCALL Only hurry I'm waiting!!!! - 24
Warm up those Cold, Stiff Muscles with a Soothing Hot Oil Rub & Steamy Shower @ Pretty RelaXed;) - 100
(Columbus, Indulge in My Pumpkin Pie Specials!)
SOFT 😌 SENSUAL 💆 SUNDAY with none other 💁💄💋 $75 for your relaxing day off 💌💋❤️ - 25
(Columbus, (Incall and Outcall) east)
TouChDoWn*Pretty ReLaXed* FanTasy FOOtBall with The BucKeYe SliDe! - 100
(Columbus, WelCome to the CO. PGA SpeCials!)
Slide oVer✨Melt Down〰by the Fire as The H♨️t Sticky〰warmth of My Valentine Rubs〰 Heat👄💨📍t uP🔥 - 40
(Columbus, Pretty♥️Relaxed Body💮Shop East/Easton)
Snuggle Up by the Fire with a Hot Totty. As I Melt Ur Body & SoOOothe the Soul.... Pretty RelaXed! - 100
(Columbus, TGI Phenomenal Pampering & Free Cocktail)
Rubs, Scrubs, & CoconutSlides R Just a few Reasons Why* Pretty Relaxed Phenomenal Pamperinista 4 U! - 100
(Columbus, Stiletto Specials!)
🌹 Sexxxy Ladies🍷Sensual Massages 🐝 Nuru Slides! - 25
(Columbus, East Dublin-Granville Rd & Cleveland Ave)
💜 〓【👑Qυ℮℮η Nic0ℓє】 🎂It's my BIRTHDAY-CELEBRATE with me 🎁💜【δυρεʀ δεxყ】💜〓&&〓 💜 【🎀βεαυԵɪƒυℓ】 - 26
(Columbus, ☆24HR0UTCALL/INCALL;10min EAST of DOWNTO)
RelaXation and Stress Relief with A Touch of HeaVen *Blue MonDays* - 35
(Columbus, Let Me Soooothe & Carresss U;))
R U Ready 2 B Pampered from He@d 2 Toe until Ur Pretty Relaxed? I'm Waiting...Just a Call Away! - 100
(Columbus, LOOk & Feel like a New Man! SpeCials)
Pretty Relaxed just Show Me where it Hurts! Phenomenal Pamperinista at Ur Beckon Call. - 100
(Columbus, Stiletto SunDay SpeCials)
Pretty Relaxed PheNoMenal PaMperiNista at Ur BecKon Call. Simply Show Me Where it Hurts! - 100
(Columbus, Evening Rush* Rub w/Slide&Scrub; $130)
Nikki!!! NEW PHOTOS!***Great reviews!!! ***New services! Specials till Saturday *** - 26
(Columbus, INCALL and OUTCALL!!!)
MaNlaXation & StreSS Relief a Phone Call Away & A TouCH of ParaDise will maKe uR Friday All GoOOoD! - 100
(Columbus, Phenomenal Pampering MaSSage GoDDess)
💜 〓【👑Qυ℮℮η Nic0ℓє】 💜【δυρεʀ δεxყ】💜〓&&〓 💜【🎀βεαυԵɪƒυℓ】💜 〓 💜【OυԵcαℓℓ::&::ɪncαℓℓ】💜 〓 💜 - 26
(Columbus, ☆24HR0UTCALL/INCALL;10min EAST of DOWNTO)
Pretty ReLaXed* 1StOp PaMpeRinG & ManLaXation! Free SwEEt, SaLty, or SoApy ScRuB ! - 100
(Columbus, BikiNi RuB $50h/$90hr, Slide $85h/$160)
My Hot Oils, Smooth Touch, & Phenomenal Pampering will Have You Pretty Relaxed! - 100
(Columbus, Get Stiletto Rub&Coconut; Slide is Free!)
R U feeling Stressed & need 2 KickBack? Well just Pick up that Phone Come get Pretty Relaxed! - 100
(Columbus, Hello...... Specials!)
Let's Get Warm, Cozy & Pretty Relaxed * Hot Oils, Smooth Touch, Phenomenal Pampering. - 100
(Columbus, Daily Specials!)
⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘ Long Hair 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 Grey Eyes 🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺 BEST NURU MASSAGE in Columbus 🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼 - 30
(Columbus, East Columbus off of Broad)
MaKing U Feel & LOOk liKe a NeW MaN! BoDywork by AyAnA**Let Me SoooThe and Carress U;) - 35
(Columbus, The BallS in Ur CoUrt, don't PaSS;))
🌸🌸🏵KINDLE!🏵🌸🌸 Nuru ✔ Sensual Massage ✔ Tantric Touch ✔ 🌸🌸🏵🏵🌸🌸 - 28
(Columbus, East Columbus off of Broad)
InDulge in My PuMpkin Pie SpeCials@ Pretty RelaXed* The Perfect HoliDay GetaWay B4 or After DeSsert! - 100
(Columbus, Happy ThanksGiving Pampering just 4 U!)
HoT Oil RuBdoWn, ReJuveNating BoDyScRub, SteaMy ShoWer* Pretty ReLaXed* SooThing ,CoZy GetAway 4 U! - 100
(Columbus, $20 off 2 Day, Free Scrub & Shower!)
Holiday Stress✨Are You ready 2 B Pretty💮Relaxed⁉️Pull up 2 My Body🔵Shop 4 a Sudsy💦Hot🔥🔴ily TuneUp💨 - 40
(Columbus, J⚪️y Peace & RelaXation 4 ManKind✨East)
🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸FANTASY REAL NURU MASSAGE🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸Real Sensual Touch! - 27
(Columbus, East Columbus off of Broad)
🎅h St NiCky💋My Hot 🔴ily SticKy 3D maKes U Giddy 〽️2 Dance ➰ ShiMMy〰doWn Chimneys❄️climb the NorthPo💈e✨ - 40
(Columbus, J⚪️y 2 ManKind✨ Pretty💮Relaxed Body🔵Shop)
HoT Oil RuBs, ReJuveNating ScRubs, SteaMy ShoWers*CluB Pretty ReLaXed* SooThing ,CoZy SanCtuAry! - 100
(Columbus, $20 off 2 Day, Free Scrub & Shower!)
I wanna Rub U from He@d 2 Toe, Scrub U Down & Soap U Up @Pretty Relaxed* Pampering Beauty! - 100
(Columbus, LOOk & Feel like a New Man! TREAT Urself)
☆❤ExXxperience the ULTIMATE in sensual relaxation❤☆ - 614-284-1733 ☆ ALWAYS available☆ - 26
(Columbus, ☆24HR☆☆OUT CALL☆EAST INCALL☆)
CluB Pretty RelaXed* Hot BoDyRuBs, PamPering ScruBs, SteaMy ShOwers 2* BooK Ur GetAway 2Day!
(Columbus, BikiNi RuB $50h/$90hr, Slide $85h/$160)
Emily, Emily!!! Im Back And Im here to Please YOU!!! Real Puerto Rican!!! - 21
Cozy up by the Fire as I Warm Ur Cold, Stiff Muscles with a Hot Oil MeltDown @ Pretty RelaXed;) - 100
(Columbus, Indulge in My Pumpkin Pie Specials!)
will be in OHIO Area 29th thru the 1st-- UPSCALE service... by vicky -- SEXY YOUNG & SMART!
🍹🎉🍹🎉🍹 BLONDES have so much more FUN! 🎉🎈🎉🎈🎉Real Sensual TOUCH & REAL NURU Slides! 🌼🌼 - 24
(Columbus, East Columbus off of Broad)
{BLue EyEd BUSTY Bombshell} (Come Get the Sensual Touch Of Your Dreams) ♧♤♧ - 28
(Columbus, East Dublin-Granville Rd & Cleveland Ave)
Enjoy Southern HoSpitality w/a PheNoMenal PaMperiNiSta w/a PaSsion for PamPering@ Pretty RelaXed! - 100
(Columbus, Stiletto Sunday Specials U Deserve!)
Enjoy Pampering Packages @ Pretty Relaxed* Take some Time, even B My Valentine Chocolate SpeCials! - 100
(Columbus, Schedule Your Getaway Today!)
Bikini Rubs, BodyScrubs, CocoNut SliDes *Pretty RelaXed* WheRe its AlWays SoaPy FuN!
(Columbus, Bikini $60h,$90hr,$130cs Free Scrub!)
AyAnA DarLing* LeaVing SooN! Come get Your FathersDay RuB & SliDe! - 36
(Columbus, Relax, Exhale, Unwind)
Come Warmup, Get Cozy & Pretty Relaxed * Hot Oils, Smooth Touch, Phenomenal Pampering* Go Bucks! - 100
(Columbus, Stiletto Rubs, Coconut Slides. Specials!)
AyAnA DaRLing**My BoDyWork will MaKe U VeRRy HaPPy;)) - 35
(Columbus, 90 Today! Show me where it Hurts;))
👄Body🔷Shop➰ Maintenance🔧Unibody 🔆 Edge 2 Edge📏 R&R; 〽️ MaSSage👐Body Scrubs💦Rubs🔥Slides 2 TuNe U uP📍 - 40
(Columbus, Pretty💮Relaxed💈Spa Services 💋 East🚏)
Backpage Virgin!! My name is Brie (pronounced Bree) - 24
(Columbus, Mile and a Half East of Casino-Westside)
♥🌼🌻♥🌼🌻 Aisha is Available SURPRISE! 🌻🌼♥🌻🌼♥ THE NURU GURU! - 24
(Columbus, East Columbus off of Broad)
{2 Scoops of CHOCOLATE} [Marie & Kindle] 2 Sexy Girls for Sensual Slides! - 25
(Columbus, East Dublin-Granville Rd & Cleveland Ave)
AyAnA *** Helping U Start U'r Year VeeeRry HaaaPpY;)) - 35
(Columbus, 85hr today! Haaapy New Year;))
Allow the Southern Hospitality, Excellence & Quality of Maid Stiletto Cater 2 YOU from He@d to Toe! - 100
(Columbus, I want to Rub U Down & Soap U Up Baby!)
🎭 5➰ Shades〰Hot🍵Oily waVes 🌊 take You 2 the Edge📐 Slip into R&R;〽️ Maintain UniBody🔗 - 40
(Columbus, Pretty💮Relaxed Body🔵Shop💈NORTH 2day)
With Hot Oils, My Smooth Touch, & Phenomenal Pampering You Can't Help but Be Pretty Relaxed! - 100
(Columbus, Earlybird Stiletto Specials!)
You KnOw What DaY iT is. So Lets gEt OveR thAt HuMp! Pretty ReLaXed* FanTasy MaSsaGe - 100
(Columbus, BikiNi RuB $50h/$90hr, Slide $80h/$160)
Take Time Out to be Pampered from He@d 2 Toe until Ur Pretty Relaxed * Look & Feel like a New Man! - 100
(Columbus, Evening Rush* SPECIALS*)
Warm up and feel relieved with Emily. INCALL Only hurry I'm waiting!!!! - 24
SOFT 😌 SENSUAL 💆 SUNDAY with none other 💁💄💋 $75 for your relaxing day off 💌💋❤️ - 25
(Columbus, (Incall and Outcall) east)
The Body🎨Shop🎭 CoZy Studio 🌺Fresh Linen 🔥Heated 🏄Table Hot💦Oil 💃SeXXy PaMperiNista = Pretty🌸RelaXed - 40
(Columbus, Pretty🌸Relaxed East 10mins of Downtown)
TouChDoWn*Pretty ReLaXed* FanTasy FOOtBall with The BucKeYe SliDe! - 100
(Columbus, WelCome to the CO. PGA SpeCials!)
Take Time Out to Look & Feel Like a New Man,2 B Pampered from He@d 2 Toe until Ur Pretty Relaxed! - 100
Snuggle Up by the Fire with a Hot Totty. As I Melt Ur Body & SoOOothe the Soul.... Pretty RelaXed! - 100
(Columbus, TGI Phenomenal Pampering & Free Cocktail)