Mon 27 Jan
Let my handstands do the walking! and the driving - 45
(Columbus, Eastern edge of downtown Columbus)
ashley is coming back next week for two days :) look for my ad to post - 28
(Columbus, South eastern ohio)
***Beautiful Blonde BOMBSHELL!!!*** Masha from Russia*** (614)464-7801 - 42
(Columbus, EAST Columbus, Reynoldsburg)
Tue 21 Jan
Let my handstands do the walking! and the driving - 45
(Columbus, Eastern edge of downtown Columbus)
***Beautiful Blonde BOMBSHELL!!!*** IRINA from Russia*** (614)464-7801 - 42
(Columbus, EAST Columbus, Reynoldsburg)
ashley is coming back next week for two days :) look for my ad to post - 28
(Columbus, South eastern ohio)
Sun 05 Jan
***Beautiful Blonde BOMBSHELL!!!*** Masha from Russia*** (614)464-7801 - 42
(Columbus, EAST Columbus, Reynoldsburg)
Sat 04 Jan
***Beautiful Blonde BOMBSHELL!!!*** IRINA from Russia*** (614)464-7801 - 42
(Columbus, EAST Columbus, Reynoldsburg)
Thu 02 Jan