Mon 27 Jan
❤Come Play With Naughty-Nikki Rae❤URsatisfaction ISmine!❤Guaranteed2leave amazed❤60qs - 23
(Columbus, North Columbus-Morse Rd.-INCALL)
come get naughti ** absolute pleasure ** sexy brunett ** 80 SPEACIALS ** - 27
(Columbus, north morse rd / private resident)
Bored?...Me too 🎆💕REAL DEAL (click here) 🎆💕 LAST DAY 2 PLAY~ Leaving @ 5am - 20
(Columbus, MORSE RD / 71 NORTH INCALL)
Back in school Monday! EXTREMELY SEXY! Come experience me before I'm gone forever! - 18
(Columbus, North Columbus)
absolute* true kissable pleasure *** Always SPEACIALS ** KASIE ** - 27
(Columbus, north morse rd / private resident)
**$70*$70*$70** SEXY SEDUCIVE SATURDAY night SPECIAL*, incall/ outcall TODAY*** - 25
18! And SEXIEST of all these girls! Tight fit;) 100$ hhr SPECIAL TODAY!! - 18
(Columbus, North Columbus)
19yr old SEXY SCHOOOL GIRL!! Special 70hhr 120hr Today only! - 19
(Columbus, North. Morse rd and Cleveland ave.)
come get naughti ** absolute pleasure ** sexy brunett ** 80 SPEACIALS ** - 27
(Columbus, north morse rd / private resident)
18! and ready to PLEASE YOU ;) 100 hhr! Today only! - 18
(Columbus, North Columbus. Morse & Cleveland ave.)
** Giving you the best ++ ++ all day SPEACIALS ** absolute pleasure ** - 27
(Columbus, north morse rd / private resident)
Tue 21 Jan
Back in school Monday! EXTREMELY SEXY! Come experience me before I'm gone forever! - 18
(Columbus, North Columbus)
Absolutly ++ Naughti ++ kisses** Speacials 80 ** Kasie¤¤¤ - 27
(Columbus, north morse rd / private resident)
** 80 SPEACIALS ** all nite long ** Absolute pleasure ** KASIE - 27
(Columbus, north morse rd / private resident)
**$80*$80*$80** SEXY SEDUCIVE MONDAY SPECIAL*, incall/ outcall TODAY*** - 25
absolute* true kissable pleasure *** Always SPEACIALS ** KASIE ** - 27
(Columbus, north morse rd / private resident)
**$70*$70*$70** SEXY SEDUCIVE MONDAY SPECIAL*, incall/ outcall TODAY*** - 25
** 80 SPEACIALS **all day long ** all nite long ** Absolute pleasure ** KASIE - 27
(Columbus, north morse rd / private resident)
$60 Single Incall Specials til 6. Tori Introduces, For First Time Ever; GiGi (614) 849-2440 - 27
(Columbus, North/Morse Rd & Outcall)
**$70*$70*$70** SEXY SEDUCIVE SATURDAY night SPECIAL*, incall/ outcall TODAY*** - 25
*** 80 ** SPEACIALS ** absolute pleasure ++ 100% real kisses ** - 27
(Columbus, north morse rd / private resident)
18! And SEXIEST of all these girls! Tight fit;) 100$ hhr SPECIAL TODAY!! - 18
(Columbus, North Columbus)
18 and SEXY! Real BEAUTY! These other girls don't compare;) 100 hhr TODAY ONLY - 18
(Columbus, North Columbus)
19yr old SEXY SCHOOOL GIRL!! Special 70hhr 120hr Today only! - 19
(Columbus, North. Morse rd and Cleveland ave.)
18! And SEXIEST of all these girls! Tight fit;) 100$ hhr SPECIAL TODAY!! - 18
(Columbus, North Columbus)
19! AMAZINGLY SEXY and ready to PLEASE YOU ;) 70 hhr! 120hr Today only! - 19
(Columbus, North Columbus. Morse & Cleveland ave.)
*100 specials ++ late nite/ early morn ** Hot & kissable ** Complete Enjoyment ** 100% real pic's ++ - 27
(Columbus, north my home /morse rd or outcall)
SEXIEST GIRL HERE! Beautiful lil white girl:) Drug free n still inocent! - 18
(Columbus, North Columbus)
*SAFE INCALL* SUPER SEXY & Silly 19 yr old! Actual Unrushed Fun! 70hhr 120hr - 19
(Columbus, North Columbus. Morse & Cleveland ave.)
*** KASIE *** true kissable pleasure *** Always SPEACIALS ** - 27
(Columbus, north morse rd / private resident)
Sun 12 Jan
** Giving you the best ++ ++ all day SPEACIALS ** absolute pleasure ** - 27
(Columbus, north morse rd / private resident)
Fri 10 Jan
** 80 SPEACIALS ** all nite long ** Absolute pleasure ** KASIE - 27
(Columbus, north morse rd / private resident)
Thu 09 Jan
Wed 08 Jan
Tue 07 Jan
++** NAUGHTI KISSES **++ Absolute pleasure ++ private incall ** - 27
(Columbus, north morse rd / private resident)
Mon 06 Jan
*** KASIE *** true kissable pleasure *** Always SPEACIALS ** - 27
(Columbus, north morse rd / private resident)
**$80*$80*$80** SEXY SEDUCIVE MONDAY SPECIAL*, incall/ outcall TODAY*** - 25
**$70*$70*$70** SEXY SEDUCIVE MONDAY SPECIAL*, incall/ outcall TODAY*** - 25
*** KASIE *** Absolute pleasure **100% real kisses** Always SPEACIALS ** - 27
(Columbus, north morse rd / private resident)
👋Leaving @ 11am👋COME GET UR HEAD RIGHT 💋 👅 Specials!!!! 📞📞 NOW!! 👑💎💖 Hot & Ready 🔥🔥🔥 - 20
(Columbus, MORSE RD / 71 NORTH INCALL)
++** NAUGHTI KISSES **++ Absolute pleasure ++ private incall ** - 27
(Columbus, north morse rd / private resident)
Sun 05 Jan
18! And SEXIEST of all these girls! Tight fit;) 100$ hhr SPECIAL TODAY!! - 18
(Columbus, North Columbus)
18! and ready to PLEASE YOU ;) 100 hhr! Today only! - 18
(Columbus, North Columbus. Morse & Cleveland ave.)
** KASIE **here for your pleasure** come get it ** - 27
(Columbus, north morse rd / private resident)
Sat 04 Jan
** KASIE **here for your pleasure** come get it ** - 27
(Columbus, north morse rd / private resident)
*** 80 ** SPEACIALS ** absolute pleasure ++ 100% real kisses ** - 27
(Columbus, north morse rd / private resident)
👋Leaving @ 11am👋COME GET UR HEAD RIGHT 💋 👅 Specials!!!! 📞📞 NOW!! 👑💎💖 Hot & Ready 🔥🔥🔥 - 20
(Columbus, MORSE RD / 71 NORTH INCALL)
Fri 03 Jan
$60 Single Incall Specials til 6. Tori Introduces, For First Time Ever; GiGi (614) 849-2440 - 27
(Columbus, North/Morse Rd & Outcall)
*** KASIE *** Absolute pleasure **100% real kisses** Always SPEACIALS ** - 27
(Columbus, north morse rd / private resident)
Absolutly ++ Naughti ++ kisses** Speacials 80 ** Kasie¤¤¤ - 27
(Columbus, north morse rd / private resident)
19! AMAZINGLY SEXY and ready to PLEASE YOU ;) 70 hhr! 120hr Today only! - 19
(Columbus, North Columbus. Morse & Cleveland ave.)
*SAFE INCALL* SUPER SEXY & Silly 19 yr old! Actual Unrushed Fun! 70hhr 120hr - 19
(Columbus, North Columbus. Morse & Cleveland ave.)
Bored?...Me too 🎆💕REAL DEAL (click here) 🎆💕 LAST DAY 2 PLAY~ Leaving @ 5am - 20
(Columbus, MORSE RD / 71 NORTH INCALL)
Thu 02 Jan
** 80 SPEACIALS **all day long ** all nite long ** Absolute pleasure ** KASIE - 27
(Columbus, north morse rd / private resident)